Marina Gonzalez

Marina Gonzalez focuses her interest on the consciousness treatment through the creation of artistic stimulus which motivates different physiological mechanisms of perception. Her latest mixed media abstract composition, where she uses paint and collage on canvas, is the connectivity way between the sensitive reality and cognitive response.
She studied Fine Arts at the University of Seville and she specialised in painting. The academic year 2007-2008 Marina González studied in Sint, Belgium – Lukas Brussels University where she developed her project “Art, Energy and Meditation”. There, she was enriched by new trends and artistic movements.
Throughout her career she has worked in the performance area, video, photography, sculpture, painting and she has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Spain and Brussels.
She has published as an author in the book “Acúfeno como señal de malestar” exhibited at the XXIV Congress of the Andalusian Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial (Granada – Spain 2010) and also she has been interviewed by Joaquín Mayordomo, journalist of “El Pais” Newspaper for the subsequent article “El runrún de la crisis”.
Also, Marina González has graduated in Advertisement and Public Relations by the University of Cádiz (Faculty of Social Science and Communication) in 2011.
In 2012 Marina moved to London to continue her professional development and there she became a proactive artist member of Bow arts community with whom she collaborates and supports their charitable programmes.
In 2016 Marina Gonzalez moved to Ice House Court and she established her Studio/Gallery Marina Gonzalez Art, where she currently works and runs innovative art workshops.

Honest Love, 2024, 170 x 150 cm, 23 040€

The fickle Fortune, 2024, 175 x 115cm, 18 600€

In the realm of Jupiter, 2024, 170 x 115cm, 18 600€

Flame into Life, 2024, 165 x 165cm, 18 140€

Filomela, 2024, 140 x 135cm, 17 280